Websites as graphs

14 June 2006

Here's visualized by Websites as Graphs:


It's a pretty simple document structure, really. Though not quite as simple as Google's home page, of course.

Posted by Greg at 05:40 PM.

On 15 June 2006 at 08:48 AM, Christopher Frazier commented:

It's funny - I have a VERY structured way of dealing with (and thinking about) data that tends to create these massive tree structures, and my XML / XHTML is really no different. I DO stick to that god old outlining rule "If you have an A, you have a B," but I have no problem over-specifying so that I know just what kind of A or B I'm dealing with. It shows in our page-tree for DPBlogs.

I love the little flower thingy that you get with your header metadata.

On 17 July 2006 at 02:13 AM, Megan commented:

"If you have an A, you have a B," but I have no problem over-specifying so that I know just

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